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So... you just got the hair of your dreams, but now you don't remember all the things for how to take care of them? I got you!


Products Matter

Make sure you are using only professional quality products that are purchased from a professional source. They need to be sulfate and paraben free and formulated for color protection. A few brands I love are Eleven Australia, Amika, and B3 Brazilian



Swimming is not recommended while wearing extensions but is not completely off limits. IF you choose to swim, you must get your hair wet beforehand with regular (not salt, not pool) water. Apply a leave in conditioner and put your hair in braids. Once finished swimming, wash, detangle, condition, and dry your extensions to keep from becoming matted and tangled which could result in damaging your extension hair to the point of needing to be replaced with new hair.


Brushing Gently

Your hair needs to be thoroughly brushed daily to distribute your natural oils and keep from becoming matted. Always place your hand over the tops of your wefts while brushing to protect them from damage and use a hairbrush specifically designed for extension care.



Absolutely no AVOBENZONE! Some sunscreens contain this chemical, and when it comes into contact with extensions, they will oxidize and turn pink. Always check your labels!



Always braid your hair to sleep to prevent matting and tangling. This is a great time to apply oil through your mid-ends and will also extend the life of your style by giving you effortless waves the next day! Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is a plus!


Move Ups

Your extensions need to be moved up every 6-10 weeks. This ensures we are not putting unneccessary stress on your natural hair and scalp and also keeps them "invisible".

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